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Our Packages

Music Videos

Our company is able to offer the highest quality music video packages anywhere in the world. For the US & Canada, Masshole Media will have a videographer, drone op, and a behind the scenes photographer to capture every stage of the video. To learn about our pricing with our team associated with your location send us an email and we can send all the info for that music video team with rates and everything included.


The main camera for the video being used to capture the emotion behind the video and create the meaning for the video with a story.

Drone Op

If needed, this captures the environment and adds dramatic shots to piece the emotion of the story into the music video.

Photo 2024-01-01, 8 46 13 PM.jpg

Behind The Scenes

The Behind The Scenes (BTS) is very important these photos can help with cover art ideas, roll out, and promotion for the song,

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